Published on July 9, 2004 By Lenbert In Current Events
I am curious as to why everyone, the general public, the politicians as well as the media giants, are so intent on "finger pointing"?

Has anyone ever considered that the events of 9/11 occured because of multiple faults, across multiple agencies, over multiple generations?

If you are a conspiracy theorist, then you will make an attempt to zero-in on one individual, one agency or one administration.

Are we (the US) that pompous to exclaim "No no, it certainly wasn't OUR fault!". Well, I hate to break it to you, but it wasn't just the fault of our current administration (and yes, there were faults), but it was also the fault of the US as a whole. We had become lazy. We let our communication networks grow lax. We had not heeded the warnings and increased our vigilance. We had the idea that "it could never happen to us on our soil". From a security standpoint, we were out to lunch. We were on an indefinite sabbatical. How can I not feel our lack of vigilance when crime was running rampant in our streets?

In 2001, we were pompous enough not to have learned our lesson from the pipe bomb during the Olympic games, in Centennial Park (1996); we were pompous enough not to have learned our lesson from the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building (1995); we were pompous enough not to have learned our lesson from the first World Trade Center Bombing (1993).

Was September 11, 2001 a wake up call? For me it was. But I am not so sure if that is the case for the rest of the country.

And now I see all of the name-calling and the finger-pointing. It's the same sort of pompousness, but redefined. We're like a formerly close-knit family that is now self-destructing from the inside out. The "finger pointing" certainly should NOT be our focus!

We are all to blame. It is not the fault of one person, administration or agency. Let the 9/11 Commission be damned. Let all of the limp-wristed political rhetoric from the politcal affiliations be damned. Let all of the media giants and their limp-wristed politcal rhetoric be damned as well.

I am not concerned about who is to blame.

Lets move on. Let us admit that we (as a country) became lazy and are the ones to blame.

What I want to know is what are we going to do about it? Where do we go from here?


on Jul 12, 2004
I disagree.

Agreed that in a perfect world what you call finger pointing would be unnecessary. In the same perfect world, the responsible parties would either resign in disgrace or at least step forward and admit that things slipped through various cracks on their watch and apologize.

As you stated, everyone says it "not our fault". Well, sadly, that's not true. There are people responsible. People more worried about their jobs than our security. I demand that a finger be pointed at them. Many fingers.

No hearings - nothing changes. Hearings - maybe something changes. Slim chance, but better than nothing.
on Jul 21, 2004
Yes, but who VOTED for these parties?

It still comes down to you and me.

on Jul 23, 2004
It comes down to you, not me.

I don't vote for the two-headed snake party of the Republicrats (aka corporate America). I vote Green or I write in NOTA.