Published on June 25, 2004 By Lenbert In Politics
I use to think Dick Cheney was a wimp. Until today.

During a heated discussion with Senator Patrick Leahy (D), Cheney dropped the F-bomb against the opposing Senator. The reports are varied, but Cheney's remarks had something to do with Leahy "having intercourse with himself".

Now THAT is the type of assertivness I want to see from our administration! It has always made me squeamish with the "....well, maybe we did, maybe we didn't have the information...". Good god, man, where are your balls?

I have no shame, I will definitely say that I am Pro-Bush. can I make an analogy as to how I am thinking.......

Ok. Hospital food. Anyone who has had an extended stay in a hospital, or who have helped their parents or grandparents finish their meal in a nursing home, knows how completely BLAND the institution food is. The food is purposely made bland so that it appeals to a larger cross section of people. They patients can "doctor it up" (no pun) to however they see fit. Such is the case with the rhetoric from most of those holding any office, whether it's politician or business owner. The written speeches are purposely made "bland" so as to be positive, but at the same time, bland enough not to offend.

I am damn glad Cheney said what he did, and I am also ecstatic that he is not back-pedalling on the remark. He added a little salsa to the pablum we've been hearing for a long time now. I wish more people in office would have that FIRE. I wish more people in office had the Jessie Ventura mentality without actually being Jessie Ventura. Say what you mean, and mean what you say! If you publicly drop the F-Bomb as it pertains to terrorists, those who slaughter the innocent, those that eliminated 3000 lives on 9/11, the parent that leaves their child locked in a car on a hot summer day; that use of the F-word is perfectly acceptable with me. Because that is the summation of the anger that I am feeling.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 26, 2004
pam, there are rules about profnaity in the senate building. now, cheney wasn't in violation since the senate wasn't in session, but the group photo is supposedly a nice moment between the political bickering. so it would not be the equivalent of a "board room" as you say.

btw, "Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception"
We will continue to work together to change the tone in Washington, D.C. by showing goodwill and by focusing on results.

someone pass cheney some more stones, he's out for some reason. and although i have used the f word as an adjective, a noun, and as an insult, i don't recall ever telling someone to "f off" to their face. that's just rude.

Worknman, please point to where i am factually wrong in my post. otherwise as cheney would say...
nah, i won't repost it. why break my perfect "zero f offs" streak over Worknman's specious post?
on Jun 27, 2004

although i have used the f word as an adjective, a noun, and as an insult, i don't recall ever telling someone to "f off" to their face


So if you used it as an insult but not to their face then it must have been behind their back? This is not "rude"? Are you serious? Did you even write what you wrote? Here is where Cheney is a better man than you or Leahy writ large in your own words. Here is where you are factually wrong, thanks for doing the research for us:)

on Jun 27, 2004
"that's just rude."

forgive me for the lack of sacasm tags.

for greywar:

"that's just rude."

forgive me for the lack of sacasm tags.

on Jun 27, 2004
I was always of the understanding that swearing was a sign that a person had run out of intelligent things to say and was falling back on insults as a way of responding to valid criticism.

Aww shit...
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