I had agonized the entire day about posting this particular topic, based on a specific, local news item. However, since the local radio talk show host has spent an entire hour on this topic, not to mention that this particular item is all over the local news, I am compelled to vent my frustration. There is a multitude of “common sense” issues that we, as adults, encounter every day. Unless you’re a complete idiot: you don’t stick your hand down the drain while the garbage disposal is run...
Just a general question. Are there any news sources out there that are truly "fair and balanced"? This post is derived from a comment from a news source that I thought was "fair and blanced". No, I am not referring to Fox. I have always thought that "tag line" was excelent, but I learned awhile ago that Fox is not truly "fair and balanced" The comment was from a local news source, that is controlled by a national media corporation. After doing a little research on this corporation...
Another case for Jay London. You either love him or hate him. If you hate him, you probably surf right by an Abbott & Costello movie on cable. As mentioned in a previous article, I am completely enamoured with the "old style" comics. Silvers, Hope, Berle, Lewis and Martin, Abbott and Costerllo, Laurel and Hardy, Mason, Dangerfield et al! If you are unfamiliar with the "old style" comics, I will reitterate that you simply won't "get" London. Rent "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World" watch ...
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the primary intent of a Democratic or Republican convention for each Party to “officially” nominate their presidential candidate? Does there have to be so much fanfare around the whole event? Can it just be a one-day event, and be done with it? I remember being an early teen, and sitting with my parents, watching both the Democratic and Republican conventions on TV, on ABC, NBC or CBS. Apparently, they had never been to a High School pep rally or an A...
I have considered myself a "Draftsman" since my last year in High School. In the late 70's (in High School), and the early 80's (in College), a person in the Drafting Technology field had to have a deep concept of geometry, simple mathmatics, and have a large amount of "Board Time" - ie having a T-sqaure, pencil, compass, protractor etc. and actually, physically, bisecting a line segment or finding the tangent of an arc. Drafting has been the bulk of my working experience, since the early...
Regarding your response to my "Fantasy President" post; excellent rebuttal! I am glad that SOMEONE is reading my stuff and actually analyzing it. And after analyzing the points of your rebuttal, I see that I have a lot more work to accomplish as a writer, as the points that I attempted to make in each of these posts, failed to hit their mark. I wish to formally address each of your comments. "Politicians should drop more F-bombs" This is a point that in my original article, I admit I...
Sometimes I just have to hang my head. I had thought that my domestic (indoors) cat was some-what intelligent. He understands the kitty-commands "no", "relax" (when he's frisky) and "lay down". In an earlier post, I had mentioned that I have taken to feeding the squirrel's on the back deck, just beyond the sliding glass door. Apparently the squirreles "understand" that the glass is a barrier. Anything on my side of the glass and the squirrel pays no attention to it. I can literall...
I struggled for awhile about posting this in "Politics" or "Humor". I wish there was a way to post in both! As I'm sitting here, watching Comedy Central's Top 100 Stand Up Comics, my thoughts drifted to our Presidential Candidates, both past and present. "What does this have to do with a Fantasy President", you ask? Well, I can't get it out of my head at the moment, that the best potential President for the U.S., would be a Jewish Stand-up Comic. Let me say immediately, that I am n...
I struggled for awhile about posting this in "Politics" or "Humor". I wish there was a way to post in both! As I'm sitting here, watching Comedy Central's Top 100 Stand Up Comics, my thoughts drifted to our Presidential Candidates, both past and present. "What does this have to do with a Fantasy President", you ask? Well, I can't get it out of my head at the moment, that the best potential President for the U.S., would be a Jewish Stand-up Comic. Let me say immediately, that I am n...
I am not an IT person. I always classify myself as knowing how to fix minor networking/computing issues at my company, but anything that I deem as being "over my head", I defer to our 3rd-party network support group (an individual, privately owned comapny). We have had 2 servers in the past 7 years, but from a registered operating system stand point, we started off with Small Business server 3.5 (with 20 FREE client licenses), and have maintained our registration with MS, through all of t...
You have your choice. You can purchase the 911 Report at a bookstore, or you can download the entire document, in PDF format "for free" from the congressional website. It is a double edged sword if you live in the U.S.. The cost for the bandwidth for this "free" download has to be charged to somebody. It is charged to the U.S. taxpayers. So, if you are a United States citizen, you can purchase this document at a bookstore ($10.99 US, I believe), or we can pay for it "for free" by d...
This is just one of those things that completely cracked me up earlier this evening. It was the day when I receive a TON of fliers in the mail. One of the fliers was for a "Grand Opening" of a Dollar General store. All tagged items will be 50% off. Think about it. In my best Jay London voice......thank you. Enjoy the veal, I'm here until Thursday. LLS
I still say that someone, somewhere is playing technological "chicken" with the terrorists. For the second time in the past month. a completely "bogus" statement was released to the media from "Al Tawhid and Jihad", Abu Mus'ab Al Zarqawy's group. The threat was allegedly against Japan, and their intrusion in Iraq. It forced Zarqawy's group to once again step forward, come out of hiding, under deep cover, and refute the bogus statement. In my previous article, "The Benefit Of Hackers",...
I am thinking that Linda Ronstadt, at 58, should not be making political statements. The media is reporting her "dedication" to Michael Moore as anti-Bush. I see it otherwise. Lets dissect this a little. On Sunday, July 18, at her "one time only" performance at The Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas, she decided to spice up some of her music "dedications" with a little harmless political bashing. The one-time girlfriend of former California Governor Jerry Brown (D) sprinkled her performance wi...
We are all familiar with the weekly Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) tests on radio and television. The interruption of regular broadcasting in lieu of a highly annoying noise, issued by the EBS, in order to test their system. http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/ebs.htm I have several questions. One: Was this ever used on 9-11-2001? As I recall, on 9-11-2001, later in the evening, quite a few cable stations, if not the majority, were maintaining their "regular broadcasting schedule...